Cavendish banana

Chuối Cavendish

Cavendish banana

1.76 USD

Old South American banana variety (Cavendish banana) Fruit size: 15-22 cm Fruit age: 7-7.5 weeks Diameter: 3.0-3.8 cm Weight: 0.25 kg


The South American banana is a banana variety with high commercial value, accounting for 47% of the total global production in the period 1998-2000 and is the main banana variety in the world.


The banana is a herbaceous plant, 5m to 6m high, perennial, with a round, soft, straight trunk, and leaf sheaths. The stem is round with grooves, the leaves are large and long. The fruit is on the bunch, with 6-8 bunches, each bunch has about 12 fruits. The fruit is small, long, and fragrant. When unripe, the skin is still green but when ripe, it turns yellow. The banana has a sweet taste, is very cold (cold), and is not toxic. The main chemical composition contains protein, starch, fat, sugars, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, C, E, gum, vitamin B11, specifically: in 100g of edible part, there is starch (27.7g), protein (1.1g), water (74.1g), vitamin C (9 mg), B1 (0.03 mg), B2 (0.04 mg), Carotene (359 Unit), Calcium (11 mg), Magnesium (42 mg), Potassium (279 mg), Iron (0.56 mg), 8.6% Fructos, 4.7% Glucos, 13.7% Saccharos.


In particular, bananas contain a lot of Pectin, a Glucid that has no energy value but is a substance that helps digestion and absorption, and prevents intestinal infections.


Bananas provide the most energy (about 100 Calories/100g of fresh ripe banana) because bananas contain the most starch.


Bananas not only provide a rich source of vitamins for the body, but also bring smoothness to the skin and healthy eyes, and bananas have the effect of lowering blood pressure. People with high blood pressure use it regularly. Eating bananas regularly can also prevent hair loss, banana peel is also a medicine. Bananas have the effect of clearing heat, laxative, detoxifying. Mainly used for patients with heat, thirst, constipation, bleeding hemorrhoids, high blood pressure...


Bananas also help lose weight because bananas have a high starch content, so they easily cause fullness, because when starch is absorbed into the body and converted into sugar, it takes a certain amount of time, so energy is not stored in the body too much. For this reason, bananas have been classified by nutritionists as an effective weight loss food.


Reduces cholesterol in the blood, in the banana tree trunk there is a substance that can control cholesterol in the blood. Bananas also treat high blood pressure because people with high blood pressure often have excess sodium in their bodies but lack potassium. Bananas have a lot of potassium. Bananas help treat digestive ulcers, in bananas there is a substance that stimulates the production of gastric mucosal cells to protect the stomach wall, thereby limiting the possibility of stomach bleeding. Bananas also treat itchy skin and stop coughing, in fact it has been proven that the peel of bananas has a compound that controls bacteria and fungi that cause itchy skin and treat warts.




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